Monday, September 10, 2007

Oh whey oh!

Ahlan! I apologize for neglecting the blog for a whole week, but my busiest days in Cairo have been the past five. Classes began last Wednesday, preceded by an all-day orientation session for ALI students. I met a lot of great people at orientation and got to touch base with many people I'd met before, including several who would become my classmates.

I've spent 4 school days in fusha with Professor Lisa White, who is undoubtedly one of the kindest and most approachable professors I've ever had. Although Lisa is American, she's lived in Cairo for 25 years - she was actually part of the first ALI class, and just never bothered to leave Egypt. (Don't worry Mom, those remaining credits for my BA will bring me back to the US.) Our class began with about 10 students, three of whom were re-placed after the first class and one of w
hom only left us this week for an alternate course. In that time, however, the six of us who remained have achieved what I would consider to be a good dynamic with Professor White, as well as with our professor for Media Arabic. Three of us (myself, Eric and Chris [who's from Elmhurst - again, ask me about my "Center of the Universe" theory]) are also in the same amiya class, along with my friend Amy.

Somewhat sadly, I will be leaving my current fusha cohorts tomorrow. I say somewhat because while I am sad about leaving my new friends and my professor, it is clear that this isn't the class I belong in - few people in that class have had more than a year of Arabic, and I'm talking circles around them. I have to go in and meet with the ALI director tomorrow morning, and then I'll start my new fusha class in the afternoon. (Now I don't have to feel bad about not posting about my new classes earlier...)

Some of the American students here are seriously into partying, which I guess is fine, but my theory is that I didn't come to Cairo to hang out in hotel bars. I've been lucky enough to attend some social functions over the past week, though, wherein I've met some really cool people, both from ALI and from my residence. On Wednesday night, Kanzy had a "girls' night" on the roof, with free food from the Student Housing Office, and henna and bellydancing. Here is a photo of my awesome henna tattoo (too bad I neglected to shave before I got this done). Please enjoy also the stark contrast between the dark henna and my blindingly white skin. I was unable to take photos during the party; due to it being a girls-only event, many of the Egyptian students elected to go hijab-less. However, you can view photos taken from and on the roof at other times on my Flickr site (see link in left-hand sidebar).

Last night, after attending a meeting about teaching English to some of Cairo's refugee communities, Caprill, Amy and I went to a friend's birthday party at the Sequoia restaurant on the Nile. For some odd reason, I did not bring my camera with me when I left the dorm yesterday morning, which I deeply regretted when we got to the party. The restaurant is breathtaking - outdoors, with low tables with comfortable plush chairs, umbrellas to block the sun (not that there was any at 8:30 PM), and an incredible view right on the Nile. The food was great, too - Caprill, Amy and I split hummus with meat, tabbouleh, fattouch (Lebanese salad with cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes and a light oil dressing), and these little shwarma finger sandwiches. Their entrees were quite pricey, but I'd love to go back and try one anyway - luckily Nafiza said we can go for her birthday (which is in November), so I'll be sure to tote the Canon then.

I'll try and post about my new classes later this week. Ma salamma!


Monica said...

just wanted to write to let you know i've been reading along--things have finally gotten to a point where i can adjust better to classes and the like. i'll send you an email for real too!

changing your classes should be good for the whole 'study' part of study abroad... glad to hear you haven't been stuck in hotel bars either! :)

Amanda B said...

I like your henna. :)

Nick said...

Sequoia was just down the road from the guy's hostel but I never got to go! The shesha is suppose to be amazing there as well as the iftar banquet...

Good luck with classes!