Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I think Gregor said it best.

I got my course schedule today (we start classes tomorrow) and frankly it's a little insane - not like at MSU (or other American schools) where you probably have a very similar, if not the exact same, schedule on, say Monday and Wednesday, or whatever. Not so here. Two days a week (Sun/Wed), I start at 9:30 AM; two other days, I don't start until almost 1 PM (Mon/Thurs).* Every day except Thursday, I have 3 classes, with breaks in between ranging from 10 minutes to over two hours - but again, these are not consistent. Hopefully, I will be able to adapt to the Egyptian schedule of taking the midday meal closer to 3 PM, or some of my days are going to be very difficult. And of course, with the start of Ramadan just over a week away, everything will be further thrown off until mid-October.

I ended up placing into ALIN 103, High Elementary MSA (Modern Standard Arabic), which I am less than totally thrilled about, to be perfectly honest. While I realize that there is a big difference between the way Arabic is taught here and at MSU, I really feel that I should have been better prepared for a higher level (even the first Intermediate class) with two years under my belt. It is really depressing to think that I'm that lousy after all that time and effort. However, I did get placed in a class taught by a professor Nick recommended to me as being tough but worth the effort, so...yeah, let's see what happens.

*Remember that my week runs Sunday-Thursday, with Friday being the Muslim holy day.


Mary Fieber said...

Remind me which of Gregor's comments we're referencing here child . . .

Mary Fieber said...

Duh--got it! silly moi.