Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Crying's not for me, no.
I think it's like how people from Michigan make fun of everyone else when they get an inch of snow and cancel school and call in to work and drive like idiots; when it rains, everyone goes crazy.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Public Service Announcement
Sorry that the posting has been light lately - my classes kept me really busy last week, and I spent the recent Eid al-Fitr holiday in Jordan. The trip was absolutely amazing, so look for a series of posts on that over the next few days. Additionally, I have some highlights from last week that I wasn't able to post about then, so I'll be putting up a few backdated entries this week as well (insha'allah). Look for most of those to be appearing between the October 1 and October 11 entries.
I'll be uploading and organizing photos from Jordan later tonight; you can find the link to those in the left-hand navigation bar.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Jordan!: Days 4 and 5
Forget that Liz. She is gone; wandered off a cliff or into the swirling red sands in Wadi Rum. Since my return from Jordan, I have wanted nothing more than to go back to the desert, to watch sunsets and sunrises over an endless horizon, to walk through the sand barefoot, to sleep under nothing but a blanket of stars. (Well, stars and a nice, thick sleeping bag. Maybe a couple of sweatshirts. And a scarf, and socks. Socks are a must if you are going to the desert.)
We arrived in Wadi Rum at dusk, threw our bags into the tents, and set out to explore the cliffs around the campsite. I led Caprill up to an overhang near our camp, which would later provide some excellent photo opportunities; unfortunately, within minutes my utter lack of night vision would become a serious problem, as we struggled to find the way back down to camp without walking off the edge of a cliff. Luckily some guys from the tour group who were departing camp that evening showed us the way back down, and we grabbed a few teas and found seats around the central fire ring.
Our fellow
We were led maybe a quarter of a mile out into the red sand desert, just far enough to be outside the lights of our camp and the one around the mountain, but close enough that the odds of us getting lost were fairly low. And then, for an hour, we just laid in the sand, looking up at the most amazing stars I've ever seen in my life and watching them shoot across the sky. We returned to the campsite briefly to suit up in additional sweatshirts and socks, grabbed a few blankets, and went back out for another hour or hour and a half, swapping ghost stories and memories from time to time, but mostly just laying in the sand and soaking up the incredible view above.
After only a few
Upon our return to camp, we enjoyed a huge breakfast of eggs, bread, foul and vegetables, then packed up our belongings and departed for the Dead Sea, our last stop before heading back to Cairo...
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Jordan!: Day 3
We began our visit to Petra by passing through - what else? - the corridor of vendors who set up shop outside the
Our guide in Petra was awful; even when I kept up with him, I picked up neither interesting nor useful information about the site or its history. Maybe he would have been better at the ruins, instead of on the trail to the ruins? I don't know. In any case, I spent most of the walk (approximately one mile) chatting with my friends and fellow travelers and taking tons of photos of the scenery.
The arrival at the Treasury is an abrupt one; one minute you're walking alon
The next stop on our whirlwind tour was Aqaba, a resort town on the Red Sea. Stephanie and I left Caprill in our room to sleep off her nausea, and hit the town with Molly and Jessamyn for dinner, sweets, and mouz bilaban (blended bananas with milk and sugar) at some local establishments. I had stuffed grape leaves - one of my favorite dishes at Woody's Mediterranean Oasis in East Lansing - for the first time since my arrival in the region, and they were delicious, though nothing compared to the sweets and nuts we stocked up on during our walk back to the hotel.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Jordan!: Days 1 & 2
Our adventure began on Thursday, October 11, which was coincidentally Stephanie's 22nd and Amanda's 21st birthday. Caprill, Stephanie, Jessamyn and I caught a cab to Zamalek around 6:15 and arrived just after 6:30 in front of the dorms. Outside, many of our fellow travelers and classmates embarking on their own weekend adventures congregated; the Red Sea was another popular destination, as many study abroad students have taken advantage of comparatively inexpensive diving courses in Cairo. Just after 7 PM, the shuttle to the airport arrived, and we discovered that Abierd, who works in the counseling department at AUC and was one of the organizers of the Alexandria trip, was coming with us.
We enjoyed coffee and Cinnabon in one of the airport lounges during the downtime between our arrival at the airport and departure for Jordan, and arrived in Amman just before midnight following a relatively uneventful flight. After receiving our visas and changing our money (ouch - JD1 = USD1.50 = LE8) we headed for the hotel and went to sleep almost immediately upon arrival.
After breakfast the next morning - cheese, eggs, tomatoes, foul, pretty standard fare around here - we boarded
Afterwords, we drove to Ajlun Castle, a fortress built by the nephew of Salah al-Din (better known as Saladin in the English-speaking world) in a strategic and resource-rich location near present-day Amman. Our tour guide for the site left a lot to be desired - I think I learned more reading the Wikipedia entry on Ajlun than I did listening to him - but the castle itself was a blast and a half, with plenty of collapsed walls to climb and few notions about safety to impede our explorations. At one point, Jessamyn jumped about six feet into a pitch-black room; we were all set to follow before realizing that there was no way out except the way in. On a clear day, you can see all the way to the Golan Heights and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem; unfortunately that day, as for most of our trip, the weather was moderately overcast.
On the way from Ajlun back to Amman and the ruins of Jerash, our bus broke down. Someone up front suggested that with 26 people, we could probably get out and push it a la Little Miss Sunshine; instead, our guide opted for having us walk the rest of the way to Jerash, maybe three-quarters of a mile, tops. We ate lunch at a restaurant near the ruins, an excellent meal of chicken, rice with lamb and pine nuts, salads, and fruit. Jessamyn met the proprietor, the man who intends to be her husband; I told her that between him and the teenaged boys at Ajlun, she'd probably be better off starting a fan website and having business cards printed up with the URL.
Jerash was fantastic, definitely one of my favorite stops of the weekend. Although most of the ruins are distinctly
The next morning, we got up at a ridiculous hour to drive to the site of all my childhood dreams: Petra. Stay tuned for Part 2...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Study Abroad Dictionary
1. N. Arabic name for Egypt (officially:Jumhuriyyat Misr al-Arabiyya).
2. N. Egyptian Arabic name for Cairo.
3. N. Something unpleasant that you can step in, usually found on neighborhood roads (e.g. puddles of dirty water, animal droppings). I was walking down the street, and I got misr all over my foot.
4. Exclamatory. Misr! My clean shirts fell off the clothesline into the dirt!
1. Country located in northeast Africa.
2. V. To cram large numbers of people into a small space (e.g. an apartment or shuttle). Nobody gets left behind, we're going to Egypt it.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Yalla, yalla, al-Ahly!
We met on campus and milled around for a little while while eating dinner, and then two of the Egyptian guys managed to convince a mini-bus driver to drop us off at the stadium (in Nasr City) and to pick us up after the game ended, for a total of about LE8 round-trip (less than USD1.50). The tickets we got were only LE50, so overall this was an incredibly cheap outing.

When we got to the stadium, I was astonished by the number of armed guards in the area. Now, granted, my time in Cairo has made me very accustomed to heavy police presence - they are literally on every corner in the city, and always heavily armed. This was a new extreme, however; military police in full riot gear had the entrance surrounded in such a way that only one person could pass through at a time. The photo to the left, which I took, shows my friend Erik posing with the police, who were very good natured about the whole situation, but still slightly unnerving en masse.
I've never been to a professional soccer match before, but it was completely unlike any sporting event I've ever attended in the States. We got to the stadium fairly early - about 90 minutes before the game started - but the fans were already out in full force, dressed entirely in red and cheering loudly accompanied by drums, bells and whistles. We selected seats in what turned out to be a fairly calm area of the stadium, but as the seats filled, the enthusiasm built. I found myself up out of my seat for much of the hour leading up to the game, clapping and chanting along to cheers that I only half understood.
One of th
During the actual match, the fans cheered, but weren't nearly as rowdy as Americans are - and I don't think that was for lack of alcohol, either. Amy explained to me that it's considered rude to put on too much of a cheering show during the actual game, since most of the fans come to actually watch the match. Al-Ahly ended up defeating Libya United 1-0, with the only goal of the game early in the first half. There were a few close calls during the second half (for both teams), which made it that much more exciting. In between the shots, I talked to the Egyptians, and actually was able to make myself understood in Arabic, which was exciting.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Cultural Differences Between Egypt and the United States Which I Fully Appreciate And Celebrate But Nevertheless Will Not Miss When I Leave: Part I
(Thus far, I have no explanation for this practice. Nafiza says that's too late for tarawih, and too early for fajir, the pre-dawn prayer. I'll keep working on that.)
UPDATE: This is the indication that it's time to wake up and prepare for souhoor, a meal that is eaten around 3 AM during Ramadan. Which means that it will stop after Thursday. Al-hamd'allah!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Egypt, not Virginia!
Our departure from Cairo was scheduled for 7 PM on Thursday evening; for those of you not familiar with the way time works in Egypt, that means the buses showed up at 7:45 PM and we didn't leave town for another half hour. And the two-and-a-half hour ride we were promised? Try a trip lasting nearly five hours, including almost half an hour to get gas (apparently they were filling up with an eyedropper) and a ninety minute break at Lion Village, a rest stop straight out of the Twilight Zone.
Located on the Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road, Lion Village is part petting zoo, part souvenir shop, part restaurant, and 100% weird. The complex is centered around a series of animal pens and cages, containing everything from chickens to camels, most of which, frankly, looked like they didn’t have much time left. There were at least two dozen ostriches spread out over a few fenced in yards; this article from the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt gives some clue as to what they were doing with so many ostriches. The décor didn’t exactly reassure the animal lovers among us, either; the beams supporting the roof were covered in furs and stuffed crocodiles and fish hung from the ceiling, along with massive bunches of garlic cloves (presumably to cover up the smell for guests in the adjacent restaurant). We lost our appetites pretty quickly, and resigned to waiting for the other bus to catch up and keeping watch for stray critters. (Photo courtesy of Ellen Green.)
We finally rolled into Alexandria (or Alex, since we can’t be bothered with those last three syllables) around 1:30 AM, and wisely elected to save exploring the city for the following morning. Driving in on the Corniche, Alex’s 20 km seafront road, was pretty amazing at night; like the rest of the Egyptian population, Alexandrians do not sleep, and the sidewalks and public beaches were still crammed with couples, families and friends even after midnight. Our hotel didn’t disappoint; my room had a gorgeous sea view and a nice breeze off the water, and there was a (very) small private beach across the Corniche for hotel guests.
Friday morning, I had breakfast and took a short walk down the beach with my roommate, Amanda. Alex’s seafront road, which is called the Corniche, runs about 20 km along the Mediterranean coast, and the city only extends about 5 km inland at its widest point. Our first stop of the morning was Kom es-Shoqafa (“Mound of Shards” in Arabic), the remains of a Roman-era catacomb complex. I had been expecting something more akin to my previous catacomb experience (dark, smelly, lots of bones); however, the Kom es-Shoqafa catacombs are entirely devoid of human remains. We spent a lot of time exploring the labyrinthine corridors of burial niches, carved entirely by hand and extending more than 30m underground. We also visited Pompey’s Pillar (which is actually a monument to the Roman emperor Diocletian), and the Roman amphitheater, although the heat sucked some of the fun out of those excursions.
We returned to the hotel early in the afternoon and went to lunch before hitting up the beach for a couple of hours before dinner. Having read that Alexandria is even more conservative than Cairo, I didn’t even bother bringing a bathing suit on the trip, instead choosing to lay out in shorts and my t-shirt. Unfortunately, due to the commercialization of Alex’s seafront, the beaches aren’t nearly as pristine as they look in photos; the sand was littered with pop tabs (Egypt still has the kind that you pull off and discard) and cigarette butts, and there were some plastic snack wrappers and a discarded cigarette box floating near the shore. Still, after a long hot day, it was nice to wade into the water and nap in a beach chair for a few hours in the late afternoon.
After a dinner of kufta and rice, we all piled back on the bus to go to the Green Plaza, an outdoor shopping-dining-entertainment complex on the edge of the city. I spent some time with friends at a café drinking mango juice and chatting, and Amanda’s impromptu dance routine to Aqua’s “Barbie Girl” attracted the attention of a group of Egyptian girls having a private party at the restaurant, who immediately ran over and dragged her into their party. Later, we went and bought sweets and snacks for the trip home.
On Saturday we left early after breakfast for Fort Qaitbay, which stands on the site of the former Pharos Lighthouse (of Seven Ancient Wonders fame). After the lighthouse was destroyed in an earthquake in the 1300s AD, the site lay vacant for nearly a century, until Sultan Qa’it Bey began construction on the fort in 1477. The upper floors of the central keep offer amazing views of the sea and the surrounding city, as well as cool sea breezes.
The Bibliotheca Alexandrina was our next stop, and my favorite of the weekend. (Take from that what you will.) The library is only 5 years old, constructed on the site of the original Library of Alexandria, which was burned accidentally by Julius Caesar in 48 BC (not, as is often rumored, by conquerors from Arabia), and contains nearly 500,000 volumes – with room for over 7.5 million more. My first impression was that it was a fairly ugly structure, a granite-and-glass half cylinder rising out of the ground, but having seen the inside, I would perhaps more judiciously describe it as interesting. Like the original library, its façade is made of Aswan granite, and is carved with letters from hundreds of ancient and modern languages. On the seaward side is the Planetarium, and a beautiful reflecting pool stretching all the way to the Corniche.
After a stop at the Fish Market restaurant for lunch, we piled back on the bus to return to Cairo. I won’t go into detail about the ride home; suffice to say it was long and stuffy and slightly miserable in the back of the bus, and when I got back I was immediately hit in the face by Cairo’s delightful air. Overall, though, the trip was fantastic, and I definitely intend to return for a weekend to see some of the sites I missed, like the museums, churches and the (former) Hotel Cecil, where British Intelligence planned El-Alamien.